Over the last several years a significant progress was made in developing accelerator technology for future lepton linear colliders. In this talk I review recent progress in high-gradient normal conducting and superconducting RF structures and some other recent technological advances.
The construction of an electron-positron collider "Higgs factory" has been stalled for a decade,
not because of feasibility but because of the cost of conventional radio-frequency (RF) acceleration.
Plasma-wakefield acceleration promises to alleviate this problem via significant cost reduction based
on its orders-of-magnitude higher accelerating gradients. However, plasma-based acceleration...
This contribution will summarise the status and R&D challenges of the calorimetry concepts to meet the high performance requirements of future Higgs Factories.
Physics Case for Precision Measurements at a Higgs Factory
In this talk I summarize the Promotion status of ILC in Japan.
1) Japanese HEP community makes promotion scheme, ILC-Japan.
2) We have tight collaboration with IDT.
3) KEK just starts the international R&D framework, ILC technology network
4) I also show our expected timeline.
In this talk we will present the C3 - Cool Copper Collider - accelerator complex design and the R&D Demonstration that is needed.
A muon collider presents an exciting and affordable medium-term possibility for a TeV-scale collider to explore the energy frontier, enabling a physics program would be extremely complementary to precision e+/e- Higgs factories. While detectors at a muon collider would face unique challenges due to the extreme backgrounds arising from beam decays in-flight, there are many complementary...
ECFA Detector R&D: Roadmap + International Context
X-band technology developments and use in small medical, industrial and research linacs.
Two fermion production at the International Linear Collider (ILC) allows sensitive searches for new physics, such as heavy gauge bosons Z′. Combining the ILC's polarized beams with measurement of the tau lepton polarization allow detailed probes of the chirality of new interactions beyond the Standard Model.
The tau polarization can be extracted by measuring the distribution of tau decay...
Superlattice-strained negative electron affinity GaAs photocathodes can produce electron beam polarization in excess of 90%, and if appropriately layered, quantum efficiencies of multiple percent. As such is the go-to source for polarized photoinjector applications and is the planned source for multiple future collider designs. However, it achieves negative electron affinity by virtue of a...
Installation of a vertical electropolishing (VEP) system for surface treatment of Nb cavities was just completed at KEK and started the test operation in December 2022. Although the horizontal EP (HEP) system has already been in operation for nearly 15 years at KEK, VEP system was adopted to process 9-cell Nb cavities, because of the simpler operational processes and the higher work safety. We...
In recent years, long-lived particles (LLPs) have been widely considered in a variety of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenarios and in many different experimental searches for new particles. Future e$^+$e$^-$ colliders, thanks to their clean environment and triggerless operation, offer a unique opportunity to search for such states at sub-TeV energies. Considered in this contribution are...
The proposed LUXE experiment (LASER Und XFEL Experiment) at DESY, Hamburg, using the 16.5 GeV electron beam from the European XFEL, aims to probe QED in the non-perturbative regime created in collisions between high-intensity laser pulses and high-energy electron or photon beams. In this strong-field regime, where the electromagnetic field of the laser is above the Schwinger limit, physical...
During the ILC Global Design Effort (2007) two 200 kV high voltage photoguns based on an inverted insulator geometry were developed in 2010 and successfully tested at Jefferson Lab (JLab). One of the photoguns has been operated at 130 kV in the CEBAF accelerator for the JLab nuclear physics program. The inverted insulator replaces the electrode support structure, consequently significantly...
Energy precision at the International Linear Collider (ILC) at 250 GeV is evaluated. To do so two difermion final states of $\mu^+\mu^-$ (dimuon), and $e^+e^-$ (Bhabha) are used. Beam dynamics are simulated using GuineaPig++ and event generation by KKMC for dimuons and BHWIDE for Bhabhas. A new Monte Carlo, GP2X, is written to convolve the beam dynamics with event generator output. The...
Today, Superconducting Radio Frequency technology is based on bulk niobium and is now reaching its intrinsic limitation. Increasing the performance of SRF cavities while reducing manufacturing and operating costs poses real technological challenges. At CEA, we pursue a multiscale material functionalization approach compatible with mass production without performance degradation. The first...
The undulator-based positron source offers even polarized longitudinally as well as transversely polarized beams.
Both cases are very substantial for matching the promised physics and precision goals.
An overview will be given about the baseline undulator source set-up and technical open issues will be addressed.
Recent progress on the field simulations, the rotating wheel design, the...
Neutrinos are the most elusive particles known. Heavier sterile neutrinos mixing with the Standard Model partners might solve the mystery of the baryon asymmetry of the universe and take part in the mass generation mechanism for the light neutrinos. From this perspective, if the heavy neutrinos are detected, it is crucial to determine their coupling structure. Future lepton colliders would not...
The performance of positron source in the International Linear Collider (ILC) is critical for the luminosity and therefore the physics output of this planned, future high energy physics machine. In the undulator-based source proposed for the ILC, positrons are produced by generation of electron-positron pairs by an incident high energy photon on a high-Z target material. The amount of positron...
Intriguing scenarios of new physics provide explanation to several shortcomings of the Standard Model. Such models as extra dimensions, supersymmetric theories or dark sector extensions, are expected to manifest in various topologies including hadronic and leptonic final states. In this talk, we focus on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II dataset collected at the LHC and...
The progress in the development of a polarized positron injector for the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Laboratory is presented. The polarized positron beam is generated by a high current polarized electron beam (>1 mA @ 120 MeV) via bremsstrahlung radiation and e+e- pair production in the tungsten target. The simulations show that using an optimized target...
It has been a fundamental requirement to realize high-performance superconducting RF cavities with highly cos-effective production. New, medium grain (MG) niobium (Nb) material and clean disc production has been realized with a cos-effective production process with (i) forging pure Nb ingot, (ii) annealing, and (ii) direct slicing. It has provided very clean surface, without rolling process...
Utilization of a Superconducting Travelling Wave Acceleration (STWA) structure with small phase advance per cell for future high energy linear colliders such as ILCs may provide an accelerating gradient 1.2–1.4 times larger than a standing wave structure. In the present paper, the status of development of high gradient STWA for collider application is presented.
The Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA) is a general incorporated association aimed at promoting accelerator science by fostering collaboration among academia, government, and industry. The primary focus of the AAA is the International Linear Collider, and the organization is actively involved in project promotion, technical liaison, and public relations to...
In the Standard Model, the ground state of the Higgs field is not found at zero but instead corresponds to one of the degenerate solutions minimising the Higgs potential. In turn, this spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking provides a mechanism for the mass generation of nearly all fundamental particles. The Standard Model makes a definite prediction for the Higgs boson self-coupling and...
Particle accelerators are the fundamental tools enabling discovery science at many of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) facilities, supporting roughly 20,000 users per year in the areas of Basic Energy Sciences, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, and Nuclear Physics. Accelerators are also used by the DOE Isotope Program to develop and produce radioactive and...
Abstract: Although the studies of tensor structure of the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons and fermions at CMS and ATLAS experiments have established that the JPC quantum numbers of the Higgs boson should be 0++, small CP violation in the Higgs sector (i.e. app. 10% contribution of the CP-odd state) cannot be excluded with the current experimental precision. We review possibilities...
Spanish Science Industry is developing technology, components systems and subsystems for particle accelerators world wide. The relationship of the industry with the scientific and technological institutes in Spain makes possible the advance of critical technologies that will be applied in the future accelerators as the International Linear Collider. During the presentation, key characteristics...
RadiaBeam is a small business providing systems, components, instrumentation, as well as testing, consulting and engineering services to the industrial and scientific accelerator communities. In this paper we’ll discuss the projects most relevant to the high energy physics community with the emphasis on a recent development of the in-house C-band infrastructure for accelerator R&D. We’ll also...
We present highlights of CMS measurements and searches in the area of Higgs physics, as well as prospects for the HL-LHC era.
We have participated in the R&D work for an electron-driven positron source ordered by KEK and awarded by the Iwate Industrial Promotion Center, and oversaw one part of the work. We worked on this project in collaboration with industry, government, and academia, and we oversaw the design, manufacturing, installation, and operation of the cooling water system. Two companies in Iwate Prefecture...
Nb3Sn is a material with about twice the superheating field and superconducting transition temperature of Nb. By forming an Nb3Sn film on the inner surface of an Nb cavity, the cavity length can be shortened and the system can be operated with a small refrigerator, thus realizing a compact superconducting accelerator system with low operating cost and low price. At KEK, the electroplating...
The Kitakami Highlands of Iwate Prefecture, where the ILC candidate site is located, is served by Tohoku Electric Power Co. The company's CO2 emission coefficient for FY2021 is 0.483 kg- CO2/kWh. This is about twice the figure for Europe. The Japanese government has set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This report presents a scenario in line with that policy.
Permanent magnet technology is a path to reducing energy usage and carbon emissions for accelerator facilities. This talk presents some examples of where PM technology has been adopted in place of electromagnets, and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.
After the discovery of the Higgs boson at LHC, Chinese scientists have planned to build a “Great Collider,” which is a next-generation multinational particle accelerator research facility proposed as a circular electron-positron collider (CEPC) and a super proton–proton collider (SPPC). The CEPC synchrotron radiation power is supposed to be more than 60MW. Institute of High Energy Physics...
We are conducting research to recover and utilize the energy discharged from the ILC facility under the concept of Green ILC. As the candidate site for construction, Iwate Prefecture, which has the Kitakami site, is 80% mountainous, and an effective model for heat energy circulation and utilization that suits the regional characteristics is required. Therefore, we aim to commercialize an...
: In cooperation with Iwate University, Iwate Prefectural University, and several private companies, we are constructing a 20-hectare facility within a 40-minute drive time and 30-40 km from the ILC candidate site to provide residential facilities and outdoor activities to promote health and familiarity with nature. This facility can serve as a model for town planning where ILC-related people...
In the talk, I'll briefly introduce the C3 staged demonstration plan and its possible applications. The talk will cover technical demonstration and test setup for each stage.
The FCC-ee is a proposed future e$^+$e$^-$ collider capable of producing all SM particles in large quantities and clean experimental conditions. Up to four experiments can detect the collision products, with IDEA being one of the proposed detector concepts at FCC-ee. IDEA needs to fulfil requirements similar to experiments at other proposed lepton colliders such as reliable particle...
Silicon pixel trackers are at the heart of all modern collider physics design, providing high-quality position measurements close to the beamline and forming the core of modern heavy-flavor tagging algorithms. Recent advances in both silicon pixel size and techniques for rendering machine learning algorithms into hardware allow detailed information about the ionization charge deposition to be...
There are emerging interest to improve performance of the event reconstruction using deep-learning techniques. We are working on algorithms based on Graph Neural Networks for both particle flow algorithm and quark flavor tagging. For the particle flow, we imported GravNet-based structure from CMS HGCal study and applied it for photon separation at ILC calorimeter. For the quark flavor tagging,...
A preliminary design for the main Linac for the 250 GeV center-of-mass energy version of the Cold Copper Collider (C3) is presented. This design was used to understand the beam dynamics for the C3 accelerator and specify expected alignment and vibration tolerances.
Future Higgs Factories will allow the precise study of $e^{-}e^{+}\rightarrow q\bar{q}$ with $q=s,c,b,t$ interactions at different energies, from the Z-pole up to high energies never reached before.
In this contribution, we will discuss the experimental prospects for the measurement of differential observables in $e^{-}e^{+}\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ and $e^{-}e^{+}\rightarrow c\bar{c}$...
Reaching the physics goals of future $e^+e^-$ colliders requires excellent detectors and software tools optimized towards the highest precisions.
The CLD detector model establishes a conservative baseline for an experiment for the proposed FCC-ee collider.
However, the quickly evolving silicon-detector landscape will allow building a detector with parameters beyond the currently established...
High Gradient Cryomodule (HGC) is a collaborative effort to demonstrate cryomodule gradients ~10-20% higher than ILC TDR. Applications of high gradient SRF include ILC, Fermilab Accelerator Complex Evolution (ACE), muon collider. In this presentation we report on progress towards assembly and testing HGC.
The International Large Detector (ILD) is a detector designed primarily for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider with an initial center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV, extendable to 1 TeV.
The ILD concept is based on particle flow for overall event reconstruction, which requires outstanding detector capabilities including superb tracking,...
High luminosity electron-positron linear colliders constitute a fundamental instrument in the field of elementary particle physics. The ``Cool copper collider", or C$^3$, is a proposal for a 250 COM GeV Higgs factory, with possible extension to the TeV-scale, and it represents a promising candidate for the near future high energy physics. The C$^3$ infrastructure is conceived as a modular...
Construction and assembly of future Higgs Factory detectors is a complex endeavour and the related time lines might be longer than anticipated. In recent years, possible assembly scenarios for the ILD detector concept at the ILC have been studied in some detail. I will summarise the results which might be interesting for other detectors at future Higgs Factories.
Plasma processing can be used to mitigate hydrocarbon-related field emission in SRF cavities in situ in cryomodules. We developed plasma cleaning for LCLS-II 1.3GHz N-doped cavities and we successfully applied it to the LCLS-II High Energy verification cryomodule (vCM). This test demonstrated that plasma processing can be a valuable tool to mitigate both field emission and multipacting in situ...
A preliminary study on C3-demo RF system layout has been conducted at SLAC. For the C3 demo facility, the study focused on main commercial off the shelf (COTS) RF components such as modulator, klystron, and waveguide components. A review of some issues for this hardware will be discussed in the frame of the problem future linear colliders.
The International Liner Collider requires a crabbing system to increase the luminosity of the colliding electron bunches. There are several frequency options proposed for the crabbing cavity design. We have designed a 1.3 GHz compact rf-dipole crabbing cavity to compensate for the luminosity degradation due to large crossing angle. The rf-dipole design has been selected as one of the two...
We give a status report on new developments in the WHIZARD event generator,
including NLO electroweak automation for e+e-, loop-induced processes, POWHEG
matching, new features in the UFO interface and the current development for
matching between exclusive photon radiation and fixed-order LO/NLO EW
corrections. We report on several bug fixes relevant for certain aspects of the
ILC250 MC...
Status of E-driven positron source for ILC including R&D plan is presented. A test stand to operate a proto-type Flux concentrator will be constructed in the STF facility. The status of Flux concentrator design and the test stand will be presented.
High-gradient RF accelerator cavities must have absorbers for the suppression of the higher order modes (HOM). It was proposed that NiCr deposited into thin waveguide slots that run along a distributed coupling structure may provide adequate HOM absorption, for the proposed Cool Copper Collider (C3) accelerator design. Fabrication methodology for NiCr was recently developed at SLAC. At LANL we...
I give a short summary on scenarios with new physics scalars that could be investigated at future e+e− colliders. I concentrate on cases where at least one of the additional scalar has a mass below 125 GeV, and discuss both models where this could be realized, as well as studies which focus on such scenarios.
A water-cooled target with a rotation rod is designed for the E-Driven positron source. The test operation of the rotating rod examining the vacuum performance of the ferr-fluid seal is ongoing. The status and a new design improving the performance will be presented.
New sources of neutral scalar-mediated CP violation that arise in extended Higgs sectors can originate in the Yukawa sector or in the structure of the scalar potential. Most treatments in the literature focus on CP-violating Yukawa interactions of neutral scalars, which is an example of P-odd CP violation since it derives from the mixing of two C-even operators of opposite sign P. In contrast,...
Start to end simluation of ILC E-Driven Positron source is presented.
Electroweak baryogenesis is a promising scenario, which relies on electroweak symmetry breaking caused by the Higgs potential.
The detail of the Higgs potential would be revealed by the future high energy colliders, so that these are necessary to test the scenario of electroweak baryogenesis.
We have calculated the baryon number density in aligned two Higgs doublet model, in which coupling...
We present an RF and engineering design of a 1.6-cell RF photoinjector at 5.712 GHz. Two designs were developed: one for the room temperature and another one for cryogenic temperature operations. At Los Alamos we are constructing a facility for testing photocathodes that produce high-quality electron bunches under an intense RF electric field in excess of 100 MV/m. The basic 1.6-cell RF...
APS cavity is designed for the capture linac of E-Driven positron source. In addition to the RF load, a large heat load by the beam is expected. The experiment to simulating the detuning is being carried out at Iwate ILC lab. The status will be reported.
For the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, the alignment of the inner, middle and outer tracking detectors is crucial for the precise measurement of the muon momentum. This alignment is monitored by fixing a back-illuminated coded mask on the inner detector, a lens on the middle detector, and an image pixel sensor on the outer detector. An image of the mask is projected, by the lens, onto the image...
Beam loading compensation in the booster linac by traveling wave linac is disscussed.
We discuss signatures of CP-violating (CPV) two Higgs doublet models at LHC and future linear colliders, where CPV appears from Yukawa interactions and the Higgs potential. In particular, we consider the scenario with the Yukawa alignment to avoid tree level flavor changing neutral currents. In addition, we consider the Higgs alignment in which the couplings of the discovered Higgs boson are...
Positron targets are a critical component of future Linear Colliders. Traditional targets are composed of high-Z metals that become brittle over time due to constant bombardment by high-power electron beams. We explore the possibility of a liquid xenon target which is continuously refreshed and therefore not susceptible to the damage mechanisms of traditional solid targets. Using the GEANT4...
The progress on developing of dielectric disk accelerator will be presented. General challenges and future directions will be mentioned as well.
ILC technology network (ITN) is currently being promoted to facilitate the development of ILC-related technologies for the engineering design of ILC. ITN contribution of KEK in the areas of DR and BDS will be presented.
Large detector solenoids are crucial for all future Higgs Factory detectors. Since the production of the last big magnets, industry has cut its capacities for the production of aluminum stabilised conductors which represent the accepted standard technology for big detector magnets.
A workshop at CERN in September 2022 brought together experts from detectors, magnet designers, and industry....
Beam parameter optimization is the most important topic in beam operation.
I will present the automatic beam tuning and the tuning technique for better optimization using machine learning at ATF/ATF2.
A simulation workflow is under development to interface particle data transfer and matching of geometry interface between the electromagnetic (EM) cavity simulation code ACE3P and radiation code Geant4. The target is to simulate dark current (DC) radiation effects for the KEK 56-cell S-band accelerating structure using ACE3P and Geant4, and benchmark against KEK experiment data. As a first...
In preparing to secure commitments to approve the ILC in Japan, the ILC International Design Team (IDT) has identified a prioritized list of critical R&D Work Packages (WPs) that should be pursued in a timely matter. Among these WPs, WP-16 has been identified by an ICFA sponsored Machine Advisory Committee review as having very high priority. WP-16 consists of two sub-tasks with the first task...
ILC-Japan Detector R&D Collaboration Task Force
ECFA kicked off a series of workshops in 2021 on [Higgs/EW/top factories][1] to bring together the efforts of various e+e- projects. Working groups on Physics (WG1), Physics Analysis Tools (WG2) and more recently on Detectors (WG3) were created. The activities of the Physics Analysis Tool group will be summarized with an emphasis on KEYHEP which was chosen as the software framework.
Vectorlike leptons are an intriguing possibility for physics beyond the Standard Model. This talk is concerned with the example of weak isosinglet vectorlike leptons that decay through a small mixing with the tau lepton, for which the discovery and exclusion reach of the Large Hadron Collider and future proposed hadron colliders is limited. For this minimal model, I will argue that an $e^+...
Future Higgs factory experiments will require high precision in the jet reconstruction, particle identification and event tagging, all challenges which can addressed by ultra-granular calorimeters, associated with high-precision tracking and performant Particle Flow reconstruction. The technical issues of large ultra-granular calorimeters are numerous, and maximal for the electro-magnetic...
The successful continuation of high energy physics probing regimes of ever-higher energies using conventional experimental methods is unsustainable both fiscally and environmentally. The already visible effects of climate change put additional pressure on the HEP community to develop techniques to mitigate the carbon footprint of large-scale collider experiments through direct and indirect...
Most future high energy $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders proposals consider using high granular calorimeters in their detectors concepts. One of such high granular calorimeters proposals silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) designed and constructed by the CALICE Collaboration. Its key features are: unprecedented high granularity and compactness featuring very low power consumption. ...
We study the search for Right Handed Neutrinos (RHN) at ILC. RHN are introduced by several extensions of the SM to explain the tiny neutrino mass. If RHN is a Majorana particle, RHN pair production is allowed in e−e+ collisions. We focus on RHN pair production based on a minimal U(1)B−L model. A distinctive signature is a pair of same sign leptons, a smoking-gun for Lepton Number Violation....
A light Higgs boson, with mass of the order of 100 GeV, is still not excluded by the existing experimental data, provided its coupling to gauge bosons is strongly suppressed compared to a SM-like Higgs boson at the same mass. Also other couplings of such a scalar could be very different from the SM predictions leading to non-standard decay paterns. Considered in the presented study is the...
High Q cavities are an essential component for rf pulse compression. In order to reduce cavity losses and increase compatibility with applications requiring long fill times, we are interested in developing compact superconducting cavities that operate at high temperature (~80 K). We are designing and planning to measure an RF cavity at 11.424 GHz that will include High Temperature...
The International Linear Collider is a planned electron-positron linear collider with its positron
source producing positrons by aiming undulator radiation onto a rotating target. The resulting,
highly divergent positron beam requires immediate optical matching to improve the luminosity and
therefore the success of the intended collision experiments. Here, optical matching refers to the...
In recent years, high-gradient, symmetric focusing with active plasma lenses has regained significant interest due to
the potential advantages in compactness and beam dynamics compared to conventional focusing elements.
One potential application is the optical matching of highly divergent positrons from the undulator-based ILC positron source into
the downstream accelerating structures. In...
The colour neutral sector is the one most relevant for the suggestions SUSY presents
to the problems of the the SM - the hierarchy problem, naturalness, dark matter, the
muon g-2 enigma. This sector is both for theoretical reasons, and from the results of
global fits, expected to be light. But, unfortunately, it is also the sector for which
current energy frontier colliders, viz. the LHC,...
While dimuonium (mu+mu-) -- the ``smallest QED atom" -- has not yet been observed, it is of utmost fundamental interest. By virtue of the larger mass, dimuonium has greater sensitivity to beyond the standard model (BSM) effects than its cousins positronium or muonium, both discovered long ago, while not suffering from large QCD uncertainties.
Dimuonium atoms can be created in e+e- collisions...
Electron-positron pair production and hadron photoproduction are the most important beam-induced backgrounds at linear electron positron colliders. Predicting them accurately governs the design and optimization of detectors at these machines, and ultimately their physics reach. With the proposal, adoption, and first specification of the C3 collider concept it is of primary importance to...
Machine-induced muon backgrounds at linear colliders are an important consideration when ensuring a high quality physics dataset, as this background can generate spurious missing-energy signals and degrade the ultimate physics reach in recoil-based measurements and searches. This rare background requires detailed beam-material interaction and transport simulations through many meters of...
The analysis of the long-range particle correlations can
yield valuable insights into the initial state of matter and
potentially reveal the existence of Beyond the Standard Model
scenarios, such as the "Hidden Valley"(HV) one. In this work, we are
interested in QCD-like hidden sectors in which the production of HV
matter would enhance and enlarge azimuthal correlations of...
The next generation of lasers will access intensities above $10^{23}~ \mathrm{W/cm^2}$. Extreme laser-plasma interactions can be explored to form optical traps, create&accelerate particles and produce novel radiation sources. I will present a QED module coupled with the particle-in-cell framework OSIRIS that allows studying nonlinear plasma dynamics in the transition from the classical to the...
I will summarize more and less recent studies of machine-related backgrounds in the context of the ILD concept.
We overview the key subsystems of a Beam Delivery System (BDS) for Linear Colliders, highlighting important aspects pertaining to the Advanced Acceleration community and consider possible extensions to higher collision energies.
In this work the prospects for measurements of the top-quark couplings at future colliders are presented. Projections are presented for the high luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider and a future Higgs/electroweak/top factory lepton collider. Results are presented for the expected bounds on Wilson coefficients of the relevant SMEFT operators from a global fit to the top-quark physics sector.
Methods for measuring the absolute center-of-mass energy using dileptons from e+e- collision events
are further developed with an emphasis on detector and physics limitations.
We discuss three main types of estimator, the lepton momentum-based and angles-based center-of-mass
energy estimators discussed in arXiv:2209.03281, and a new estimator for
the electron and positron collision...
There have been several recent proposals for advanced accelerator designs at extremely high energy that involve potentially challenging experimental environments. For example, a plasma lens could be used to focus beams to significantly increase luminosity of collisions, but the presence of a plasma lens at the heart of a particle detector can create unprecedented experimental challenges. This...
The beam loading (BL) effect results in the reduction of the gradient due to the interaction of the beam with the accelerating cavity. This phenomenon leads to energy losses for long trains of particles. Such an energy degradation is non-negligible in compact and high-intensity linear accelerators, whose popularity is increasing due to their industrial and medical potential. To account for...
The two-beam accelerator is one of two primary concepts for the structure wakefield acceleration approach to an e+e- collider. Transient beam loading effects are a significant challenge for the drive beam in a TBA structure, where energy droop in ~50 nC electron bunch trains must be understood and compensated. This problem is being studied at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA), where the...
I will report on studies and ideas for medium term particle physics applications of plasma based accelerators
The concept of a digital electromagmetic calorimeter using MAPS sensors as the active layers has been demonstrated using the EPICAL-2 prototype, a 24 layer, ~20 radiation length device. Each layer has an active area of $30\times 30~\mathrm{mm^2}$ provided by two ALPIDE sensors. Final results characterising the performance in terms of energy resolution, linearity and lateral shower profile...
The start-to-end beam dynamics simulation plays an important role in
accelerator design performance optimization.
A parallel beam dynamics framework, IMPACT code suite, has been used
in start-to-end beam dynamics optimization of linear accelerator
design of an x-ray FEL light source. In this talk, we will present
the physical and numerical models in this framework, show an...
We propose a sandwich calorimeter which aims at both ECAL and HCAL for the future collider experiments. It consists of Lead glass layers and Glass scintillator layers of sandwich structure where both layers are active for Cherenkov and scintillation lights respectively. The materials are chosen to be the calorimeter as inexpensive as possible. The expected energy resolution for high energy...
We review the status and challenges on the path of SWFA toward a TeV class linear collider.
Permanent magnet technology is a path to reducing energy usage and carbon emissions for accelerator facilities. This talk presents some examples of where PM technology has been adopted in place of electromagnets, and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.
Please find the abstract here