May 15 – 19, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Gaseous RICH detector for future Higgs factory.

May 18, 2023, 11:10 AM
53/3-3004 - Havasu (SLAC)

53/3-3004 - Havasu


Oral Track 3: Detector R&D Physics and Detectors: Track 3


Dr Jerry Vavra (SLAC)


J. Va’vra, A.G. Schwartzman, V. Cairo, M. Basso and Su Dong

One important physics goal of future Higgs Factories is to probe the Higgs coupling to strange quarks. This requires the design of a specialized Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector that can provide pi/K separation up to 30-50 GeV. In this talk, we present studies of a RICH system that operates at 5 Tesla. We find that the combination of an improved analysis method to align mirrors and detectors using 3D tracks can enable pi/K separation up to 50 GeV/c, which would significantly improve strange-tagging performance. This talk discusses what is required to reach this challenging goal.

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