May 15 – 19, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Liquid Xenon Positron Target

May 17, 2023, 2:50 PM
51/3-305 - Kavli 3rd Floor (SLAC)

51/3-305 - Kavli 3rd Floor


Early Career (Eligible for Oral or Poster) Particle Sources Accelerator: Particle Sources


Max Varverakis (Cal Poly, SLO) Spencer Gessner (SLAC)


Positron targets are a critical component of future Linear Colliders. Traditional targets are composed of high-Z metals that become brittle over time due to constant bombardment by high-power electron beams. We explore the possibility of a liquid xenon target which is continuously refreshed and therefore not susceptible to the damage mechanisms of traditional solid targets. Using the GEANT4 simulation code, we examine the performance of the liquid xenon target and show that the positron yield is comparable to solid targets when normalized by radiation length. Additionally, we observe that the peak energy deposition density (PEDD) threshold for liquid xenon is higher than for commonly employed metal targets, which makes it an attractive, non-toxic positron target alternative. We develop parameter sets for demonstration applications at FACET-II and future Linear Colliders.

Primary authors

Max Varverakis (Cal Poly, SLO) Dr Robert Holtzapple (Cal Poly, SLO) Spencer Gessner (SLAC) Dr Hiroki Fujii (Nishina Center)

Presentation materials