Accelerators: Advanced Accelerator Concetps
- Jens Osterhoff (DESY)
- Marlene Turner
- Mark Hogan (SLAC)
Accelerators: Advanced Accelerator Concetps
- Mark Hogan (SLAC)
- Jens Osterhoff (DESY)
- Marlene Turner
While dimuonium (mu+mu-) -- the ``smallest QED atom" -- has not yet been observed, it is of utmost fundamental interest. By virtue of the larger mass, dimuonium has greater sensitivity to beyond the standard model (BSM) effects than its cousins positronium or muonium, both discovered long ago, while not suffering from large QCD uncertainties.
Dimuonium atoms can be created in e+e- collisions...
The next generation of lasers will access intensities above $10^{23}~ \mathrm{W/cm^2}$. Extreme laser-plasma interactions can be explored to form optical traps, create&accelerate particles and produce novel radiation sources. I will present a QED module coupled with the particle-in-cell framework OSIRIS that allows studying nonlinear plasma dynamics in the transition from the classical to the...
We overview the key subsystems of a Beam Delivery System (BDS) for Linear Colliders, highlighting important aspects pertaining to the Advanced Acceleration community and consider possible extensions to higher collision energies.
There have been several recent proposals for advanced accelerator designs at extremely high energy that involve potentially challenging experimental environments. For example, a plasma lens could be used to focus beams to significantly increase luminosity of collisions, but the presence of a plasma lens at the heart of a particle detector can create unprecedented experimental challenges. This...
Please find the abstract here
I will report on studies and ideas for medium term particle physics applications of plasma based accelerators
The next generation high energy electron-positron collider is crucial for the precision measurements of the Higgs boson and searching new physics beyond the Standard Model. At present, the cost of linear or circular colliders based on traditional radio-frequency accelerators is enormous to meet the requirement for Higgs factory. Advanced accelerator concepts such as the plasma wakefield...
We review the status and challenges on the path of SWFA toward a TeV class linear collider.