Accelerator Plenary
- Sergey Belomestnykh (Fermilab)
Accelerator Plenary
- Philip Burrows (John Adams Institute, Oxford University)
In this talk we will present the C3 - Cool Copper Collider - accelerator complex design and the R&D Demonstration that is needed.
Status and future programme for LC studies at ATF3.
X-band technology developments and use in small medical, industrial and research linacs.
For the 14 mrad crossing angle proposed, crab cavity systems are fundamentally anticipated for the viable operation of the International Linear Collider (ILC), in order to maximise its luminosity performance. Since 2021, a specialist development team have been defining optimum crab cavity technologies which can fulfil the operational requirements for ILC, both for its baseline centre-of-mass...
The commissioning of LCLS-II, a superconducting linac upgrade to the world’s first x-ray free-electron laser, is nearly complete following 10 years of SRF and FEL technology development. The technology used to build this upgrade significantly leveraged experience from EU-XFEL and ILC R&D. Here results from the production and commissioning of SRF cryomodules, primarily the cavities, will be...