May 15 – 19, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Conceptual plan of ILD solenoid magnet manufacture – Onsite winding

May 17, 2023, 3:50 PM
53/3-3004 - Havasu (SLAC)

53/3-3004 - Havasu




Yasuhiro Makida (KEK)


Yasuhiro Makida, Tomoyuki Sanuki, Takahiro Okamura, Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Toshiaki Tauchi

While referring to CMS fabrication experience, we have been discussing manufacturing process of ILD superconducting solenoid with production companies and specified freight carriers. In case of CMS, five coil modules were transported from the winding factory to the assembly building in the CMS site where the CMS solenoid was completed. We has investigated the transit route where the ILD coil modules are transported and has recognized that there are too many obstructs to be removed and some bridges to be reinforced. So, we started to investigate alternative processes including the on-site winding. We have also found some subjects to be solved in them. Status of consideration about solenoid manufacture process is to be presented.

Presentation materials