5–16 Aug 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Poster Session

All in-person participants are encouraged to present their own research at one of the poster sessions during the Institute. Topics for the poster session are not limited to the current year theme of the Institute.. Poster submission should follow the Call-for-abstracts page on SLAC Indico. Abstract submuission requires a SLAC Indico account. Those with SLAC computing account can just use your SLAC login (LDAP) for Indcio account. For those without either account, you can create a SLAC Indico account with a trivial registration. Deadline for poster abstract submission is Aug 2, 2024. 

There is only one poster session on Wednesday Aug/7 at ROB Redwood Room. 

General Information

In a poster session there is no oral presentation of paper as in a conventional paper session. Instead, each author will be assigned one 76 cm x 101 cm (30” x 40”) foam board on which diagrams, graphs, data, picture, and small amount of text may be mounted. The foam board will be mounted on an easel. You will be provided with tape or thumbtacks to mount your papers to the foam board. Each author will be expected to remain with their poster presentation during the poster session. It is suggested that authors make preprints of their papers available to participants.

Poster Guidelines

  • DO use large, easy-to-read letters
  • DO include a heading title, with Author(s) and Institution(s)
  • DO include a brief abstract
  • DO include clear figures and tables
  • DO NOT simply post up typed pages from your paper
  • DO NOT clutter poster with details
  • Posters should be self-explanatory


The poster should be readable from a distance of a least 1.5 m (5 feet). Suggested sizes include: minimum graph size 25 cm (10”), section heading letter 1 cm (1/3”), and text and figure lettering not less than 0.5 cm (1/8")

Printing The Poster

The most reliable approach is to print out the poster yourself and bring it with you to SLAC. Alternatively, you can have your poster printed at Biotech Productions or American Printing & Copy, with instructions to deliver to:

Glenna Paige
c/o (poster owner name)
SLAC National Accelerator Center
Building 48 Room 216
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park CA 94024