Aug 5 – 16, 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone


The SSI projects were first introduced in 2013, designed to engage students and postdocs on topics related to the theme of an SSI. Participants will be grouped into teams. The teams will work during the Institute and give a report during the project concluding the presentation session on the final Thursday. For larger projects with many interested participants and potential different directions of investigations, forming separate teams could be considered. SLAC Today report on SSI-2013 mini-projects can be a useful reference on how the process worked. Further examples of how the projects proceeded, you can check the past SSI page for previous examples. 2023 had a special ML theme with atypical projects, while projects were not run during the pandemic editions 2020-2022. Only SSI-2019 (project page)  or earlier (except 2018) had the full project web page mostly preserved. The final project presentations are always on the last Thursday afternoon and announcement of the prize winner for best project presentation in the final Friday session.   

This year's projects list and Google Form to select preferred projects (everyone of two choices) are below:

SSI 2024 projects

Project selection signup

Project  Teams

Please submit your project preference before the Monday Aug/5 2:45pm project kicjk-off session to allow the team formation process to start then. Some of the projects may not have enough signups to reach critical mass for a team and in which case we can regroup based on your second choices for the eventual teams at the project kick-off. 

Each team will nominate at least one representative with Indico ID to allow the team to upload slides and  E-mail us presenter's SLAC Indico ID (if already exist). In case no one on the team has a SLAC Indico ID, please request a SLAC Indico ID online first. For the Thursday Aug/15 project presentation session, each team has a total of 30min including ~10min for questions and team change so that each team presentations should be no more than 20min.

The project winning team was Team 6 with project on Z reconstruction resolution at Higgs Factory, as announced at the final SSI session.