Aug 5 – 16, 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone


Klystron Gallery & ATLAS Pixel Upgrade

ThursdayAugust 81:30--2:30pmfullcurrent list
TuesdayAugust 131:30--2:30pmsign upcurrent list

Klystrons as far as the eye can see generate the microwaves which power the SLAC linac. A stop at the Visitor’s Gallery along the two mile accelerator, shows the critical linac components, explains their workings, and provides a spectacular visual experience. A “must-see” at SLAC. You can find an aeriel view of SLAC on YouTube.

We will pass by the B33 ATLAS ITk pixel upgrade construction clean room to view (only have time to look in from window) some of the constructed detector components and briefly introduced to the upgrade activities. ATLAS ITk pixel upgrade consists of 5B pixels is aimed for installation in 2028 for High Luminosity LHC. SLAC is the ITk pixel Inner System integration site to deliver fully assembled two innermost barrels and 58 forwards rings.      

Please sign up to join the tour at least one day before the tour day. The tour group is limited to be up to 25 so that we will close the group signup when reached limit. On the day of tour, please gather at the starting point (Kavli Lobby Aug/8, ROB patio Aug/13) at 1:25pm to meet with tour guide.

Tour participants must wear closed-toe shoes. 

KIPAC Visualization Lab

ThursdayAugust 85:00--5:45pmsign upcurrent list
TuesdayAugust 135:00--5:45pmsign upcurrent list

Whether it is Terabytes of simulation output or experimental data, KIPAC researchers exploit modern visualization techniques to extract the maximum amount of information from their data. More often than not that means to write new tools at the cutting edge of scientific visualization. This work is done in the specially constructed Schwob Computing and Information Center. Read more...

*Space is limited; please sign up early online. On tour day, please go directly to KIPAC VisLab (Building 51, Room 206-207, near front stairs).