Reception and Dinners
A reception will be host at the ROB (#48) patio on Day 1 of SSI 2024, Monday Aug5/2024, at 6:00-8:00pm. Light Hors d'Oeuvres will be served. All participants and companions are welcome.
Three SSI dinners will be held on ROB patio at 6:00--8:00pm on the following dates:
Tuesday | Aug/06/2024 |
Monday | Aug/12/2024 |
Thursday | Aug/15/2024 |
Pre-registration is required, with payments incorporated as part of the registration. Each dinner is $32/person.
Poster Social
The poster session is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday Aug/7/2024 at 6:00--7:00pm and possible additional session on Tuesday Aug/13. Light refreshments will be served during poster social.
Soccer Game
The SLAC soccer group, made up of employees, users and friends, have been playing on site since around 1970. We have a friendly pick-up game every Tuesday and Thursday at noon, and everyone is welcome. For many years, the game was played in the main quad area - before there was a fountain - moving to a less bumpy field at the Arrillaga Recreation Center after it opened.
There is a traditional game with / against SSI participants. Photos from past SSI games can be found in the SSI Facebook photo gallery. The game this year is scheduled for Wednesday Aug/14 after Project time. The walk from Kavli Auditorium to the field at Arrillaga Recreation Center is ~15 minute, and we plan to have the game start at 18:00. The soccer game participants will gather at 5:30pm at ROB patio outside the Redwood Room to start the walk towards Arrillaga field.
Players at all levels are welcome. Please remember that we are not playing in the World Cup! Team size (and field size!) will be adjusted depending on the number of participants, and substitution is encouraged so everyone can play. Play competitively but no slide tackles or other similarly aggressive moves - we want everyone to enjoy the game and to go home without injuries. If you are interested in playing, please remember to bring your soccer equipment: cleats, shin guards etc. and pay attention to this page for updates. This year's SSI team will wear dark T-shirt.
Spectators are welcome as well.
Everyone (players and spectators) is asked to fill in the sign-up form (current signups) to help us plan for the BBQ after the game. Players will also need to sign the Arrillaga sport facility user liability waiver form at SSI registration desk.
During these events you can also take a walk on the Hill Vista trail in the map below to go to the Vista point where you can get a straight view of the two mile linear accelerator, the Research Yard with LCLS beam line and End Station A (ESA) where the deep inelastic scatter experiment in 1970 discovered the quark/parton inside nucleon. You can also see the old SPEAR ring (now Stanford Syncrhtron Radiation Lab - SSRL) which hosted the e+e- experiment MK-I that discovered charm quark and tau lepton in 1974/1976.