Bayesian optimization of FEL pulse energy
Data-driven discovery of plasma physics
Machine Learning at the Heavy Photon Search Experiment
A Statistical Approach to Recognizing Source Classes for Unassociated Sources in Fermi-LAT Catalogs
Identify undetected galaxies with conventional and machine learning techniques
Temporal Electric Field Reconstruction
Bayesian Cosmological Inference with CNNs
Ultrafast Processing of Pixel Detector Data with Machine Learning
SPEAR3 BTS Injection Efficiency
Machine Learning to digest CookieBox Data
Constrained BEEF-type Functionals for Catalysis
Meta-GGA and hybrid Bayesian error estimation functionals
Accelerating ab initio calculations using surrogate machine learning models
Model Independent Analysis of Beam Centroid Data for LCLS
Machine Learning In Hardware
Applying Deep Neural Network Techniques For LArTPC Data Reconstruction
Semi-Supervised Classification of Astronomical Time Series
Power Prediction from Electron Phase with Vision-based Neural Network
Peak finding for crystallography
Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Deconvolution and Source Separation: Applications to XFEL Spectroscopy
Machine Learning in Tapered Free Electron Laser: Power Optimization and Sideband Identification