Anis Ben Yahia
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Future energy-frontier circular colliders must be sustainable in cost, performance and environmental impact. We argue from first principles that the high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet technology can enable sustainable future circular colliders, including a muon collider. The technology, however, is in its infancy, facing significant challenges. To ensure the technology readiness within the next decade for the next circular collider, we need to significantly invest to initiate and sustain a robust R&D ecosystem, covering the conductor supply chain, magnet technology development and engagement of physicist end users.
Primary authors
Anis Ben Yahia
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Sean Cohan
Stephen Gourlay
Ramesh Gupta
Vadim Kashikhin
Mithlesh Kumar
Vito Lombardo
Maxim Martchevskii
Ian Pong
Reed Teyver
Xiaorong Wang