June 30, 2022
America/Los_Angeles timezone

For the 10th anniversary of the Higgs discovery #Higgs10 the US LHC Users Association (USLUA) will be joining together with US-CMS and US-ATLAS and the US HEP community in general along with distinguished guests, to celebrate this milestone in the history of science.

4th July 2012

Zoom Coordinates


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    Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)

    Meeting ID: 981 0626 3297
    Password: 750297
    SIP: 98106263297@zoomcrc.com

19:00 CERN time/10AM Pacific/ Noon Central/ 1 PM Eastern.

This is during the CMS Week at CERN, and given the excellent progress of the LHC commissioning and preparations of the experiments, we expect to be close to the first days of the Run3 (2022-2025) data taking at 13.6 TeV. 

The program includes a keynote address by Prof. Joseph Incandela, Vice Chancellor for Research at UCSB. As then-spokesperson of CMS, Incandela presented the CMS results, along with now-CERN Director Fabiola Gianotti who presented the ATLAS results, that were the basis of the Higgs boson discovery announced on July 4, 2012.

Please also follow the CERN events July 3-5 including the event marking the start of Run 3 - details are here 

Recording available here


Registration for this event is currently open.