Dec 16 – 18, 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone


The US LHC Users Association ( represents the US community of scientists and engineers working in the LHC physics and accelerator programs, and provides a forum of support for, and discussion of, US participation at CERN. We aim to support and uplift US personnel — particularly early career scientists and engineers — as well as acting as a communications channel between the community, US agencies, and the Congressional and Executive Branches.

Please note that early career members of our community are especially encouraged to attend in person, and travel support for a limited number of early career participants can be provided.

Registration closes on December 4th at 23:59 PST.

Contact for Zoom links. 

USLUA Group Photo
Image: Aerial view of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
51/1-102 - Kavli Auditorium