3:25 PM
Near term applications driven by advanced accelerator concepts en route towards high energy physics deployment
Claudio Emma
3:30 PM
Next Generation Beams: Exploring the potential of muon acceleration (remote)
Tova Holmes
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
3:35 PM
High average gradient in a laser-gated multistage plasma wakefield accelerator (remote)
Alexander Knetsch
3:40 PM
Solving the Leaky Pipeline and the Two-Body Problem (remote)
Christine McLean
(Argonne National Lab)
3:45 PM
LDMX: Current status and synergies between small and large experiments (remote)
Cristina Mantilla Suarez
3:50 PM
Dielectric Laser Accelerators
Joel England
3:55 PM
FACET-II Addresses Key Needs for a Plasma-Based Collider
Doug Storey
4:00 PM
XCC: XFEL Compton Gamma Gamma Collider Higgs Factory
Timothy Barklow
4:05 PM
Topics for BNL Participation in the CERN FCC-ee Feasibility Study (remote)
Mithlesh Kumar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
4:10 PM
Some comments in the status of high energy physics (remote)
Daniel Harlow
4:15 PM
Maximizing the US investment at the LHC and beyond through a precise understanding of theoretical effects (remote)
Phil Ilten
Jennifer Roloff
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
4:20 PM
High-Power Targetry R&D for Next-Generation Accelerator Facilities
Frederique Pellemoine
4:25 PM
Hiring practices in high energy theory
Simon Knapen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
4:30 PM
Normal Conducting Radio Frequency Cavities for Ionization Cooling in a Muon Collider
Tianhuan Luo
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
4:35 PM
A 10 TeV Muon Collider for Future of Particle Physics (remote)
Samuel Homiller
4:40 PM
Multidisciplinary nature of modern HEP
Alexander Friedland
4:45 PM
Ensuring a Bright Future for HEP in the U.S. with a Commitment to Big Ideas
Ryan Roberts
(UC Berkeley)
4:50 PM
Open Mic