Contributed Remarks
- Robert Zwaska (Fermilab)
Contributed Remarks
- Robert Zwaska (Fermilab)
The Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics, which has reigned supreme for the last 60 years, is being stress-tested at the highest energy scales at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). While an increasingly large number of processes are being studied with unprecedented precision, rare processes with novel and complex topologies predicted by the SM are being observed at the LHC. The current...
Compact collider designs---the Cool Copper Collider for a Higgs factory and the muon collider to reach the 10 TeV parton scale---emerged during Snowmass as a promising path for the future. I will briefly present the benefits of these options, which utilize power-efficient, innovative technology that can scale to even higher energies beyond the next generation of experiments. P5 support for...
The energy consumption of any of the e+e- Higgs factory projects that can credibly operate immediately after the end of LHC, namely three linear colliders (CLIC, operating at √s=380 GeV; and ILC and C^3, operating at √s=250 GeV) and two circular colliders (CEPC and FCC-ee, operating at √s=240 GeV), will be everything but negligible. Future Higgs boson studies may therefore have a significant...
A 10 TeV scale collider is crucial to unravel the mysteries of the universe. However, we must urgently invest in growing the US accelerator workforce in order to build any proposed future collider. Many experimental particle physicists have become interested in pursuing collider R&D in order to help our accelerator colleagues reduce long timescales associated with 10 TeV scale technology. A...
Historically, neurodiversity and invisible disabilities are the hidden aspects of DEI that are often overlooked in the efforts in our community, resulting in low to non-existent open representations and discrimination affecting excellent researchers at all levels. We will review limited but relevant studies and current efforts to increase representation [1,2,3], awareness, and support from the...
There is a collection of <$50M BSM-search experiments that have not yet been considered as a set by P5: those running at accelerators other than at FNAL and CERN. Examples include CCM, COHERENT, IsoDAR, JSNS2, and LDMX. All of these experiments utilize accelerators that feature capabilities that are not currently accessible at FNAL and CERN. By exploiting accelerators with different...
PIONEER is a next-generation experiment to measure the charged-pion branching ratio to electrons vs. muons and the pion beta decay with an order of magnitude improvement in precision. A high-granularity active target (ATAR) is being designed to provide detailed 4D tracking information, allowing the separation of the energy deposits of the pion decay products in both position and time. The...
Future energy-frontier circular colliders must be sustainable in cost, performance and environmental impact. We argue from first principles that the high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet technology can enable sustainable future circular colliders, including a muon collider. The technology, however, is in its infancy, facing significant challenges. To ensure the technology readiness...
While the long-term vision of the advanced accelerator community is aimed at addressing the challenges of future collider technology, it is critical that the community takes advantage of the opportunity to make large societal impact through its near-term applications. In turn, enabling robust applications strengthens the quality, control, and reliability of the underlying accelerator...
For decades of energy frontier exploration, we’ve utilized the two charged particles that are easiest to produce and manipulate, the proton and the electron. As we contemplate the future of high energy colliders, the use of these particles fundamentally limits our potential energy reach: the low electron mass due to synchrotron radiation and the proton due to its composite nature. Luckily, the...
Beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerators provide accelerating
gradient several orders of magnitude higher than currently available RF technology. When considering staging of multiple plasma accelerator modules to reach TeV energies, inter-plasma components and distances rapidly become
one of the biggest contributors to the total accelerator length and therefore may reduce the average...
Stemming the leaky pipeline in physics has become a common topic in diversity, equity, and inclusion discussions in our field. A 2016 study [1] by Ivie, White, and Chu of the American Institute of Physics examines the results of a Longitudinal Study of Astronomy Graduate Students, commissioned to examine the factors that affect retention for both women and men. They found that “Relationship...
New concepts for compact and low cost detectors in existing or proposed accelerator beamlines have emerged as an essential component of the energy and intensity frontiers. Many experiments show excellent potential for measurement and discovery, but some are only made possible through knowledge and technology transfers from larger scale experiments. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is an...
Particle acceleration in dielectric microstructures powered by infrared lasers, or “dielectric laser acceleration" (DLA), is a promising area of advanced accelerator research with the potential to enable more affordable and higher-gradient accelerators for energy frontier science and a variety of applications. DLA leverages well-established industrial fabrication capabilities and the...
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) provides ultrahigh acceleration gradients of up to 10’s of GeV/m, providing a novel path towards efficient, compact, 100+ GeV e-e+ and gamma-gamma linear colliders. The FACET-II National User Facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory hosts a diverse experimental program that will investigate beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration, injection, and...
The FCC-ee project under study at CERN is a circular lepton collider operating at beam energies from 45 to 175 GeV [1]. Careful optimization of the Interaction Region (IR) magnet designs and the Machine Detector Interface (MDI) present critical challenges to insure the best possible FCC-ee physics performance [2]. We believe that US laboratories can and should play an important role in...
Success in high energy physics has traditionally been defined as discovering new particles. There has not been much of that happening in recent years, and if we continue to think in this way then it now seems quite likely we are headed towards a future of failure. I will argue that the solution to this problem is broadening the nature of the field, and I will also emphasize that in practice...
Ambitious experimental programs at the LHC and future colliders rely on a precise understanding of theoretical QCD uncertainties, and require significant development to improve and validate the tools used to assess these effects. A better understanding of these uncertainties is already critical at the LHC, and will become increasingly important at the HL-LHC and at future colliders. This talk,...
As next-generation accelerator target facilities, for Neutrino Program such as the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) or Muon Program such as Mu2e-II at Fermilab, become increasingly more powerful and intense, high power target systems face key technical challenges. Beam-intercepting devices such as beam windows and secondary particle-production targets are continuously bombarded by...
The theory community has a strong tradition of coordinating postdoc acceptance deadlines to be Jan 7th each year, to give early career scientists the best possible picture of their options before making important career decisions. However, as the community has continued to evolve, the January 7 deadline proposed in the original 2007 agreement may not be the most optimal option anymore. More...
The TeV muon collider relies on the ionization cooling to significantly reduce the muon beam emittance within a short time. Achieving high gradient in the NCRF cavities with multi-tesla B field background is one technical challenge for the ionization cooling channel. Recent R&D progress has demonstrated the feasibility of such cavities in principle and developed several key engineering...
The 2021 Snowmass process made clear that there is a strong scientific case and broad community interest in a 10 TeV muon collider to reach the multi-TeV scale as quickly as possible. In these remarks, I will discuss the importance of investing in R&D in this pursuit from an early career theorist’s perspective, and discuss some highlights of the physics case for such a collider. I will focus...
The decision of which projects to support over the next 10 years must be made with a vision for how our field and our community will look 10 years from now and beyond. The future landscape must be attractive to young people from both a scientific perspective - interesting technical challenges, exciting technology, and the prospect of doing discovery science - and from a career perspective -...
Electromagnetic field frontier which explores surpassing the existing limits of accessible EM fields is introduced. This frontier has invariably advanced fundamental sciences as well as technological capabilities. While at the turn of 20th century, opening of O($10^5$)V/m fields helped uncover the atomic structure and quantum mechanics, it was not until mid-20th century that O($10^7$)V/m...
We will present a summary Of Jefferson Lab capabilities and research aspirations in the area of accelerator science and technology.