2–5 May 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

FACET-II Addresses Key Needs for a Plasma-Based Collider

4 May 2023, 15:55


2575 Sand Hill Rd Menlo Park, CA 94025
Early Career Scientist Contributed Remarks


Doug Storey (SLAC)


Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) provides ultrahigh acceleration gradients of up to 10’s of GeV/m, providing a novel path towards efficient, compact, 100+ GeV e-e+ and gamma-gamma linear colliders. The FACET-II National User Facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory hosts a diverse experimental program that will investigate beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration, injection, and control with the aim of demonstrating efficient multi-GeV/m PWFA while preserving emittance and narrow energy spread. The objectives and preliminary results from FACET-II towards applying PWFA to reach the beam parameters for a future linear collider will be discussed, including beam-driven acceleration, plasma lenses, and non-linear strong-field QED.

Primary author

Doug Storey (SLAC)

Presentation materials