12–14 Mar 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone

A skipper-CCD light shield for X-ray detection in space

12 Mar 2024, 14:30
1h 30m
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


2575 Sand Hill Rd Bldg. 048 Menlo Park, CA 94025
Poster presentation (90 second oral summary, 90 minute poster session & free presentation times over 3x 40m coffee breaks) New Detector Technologies Poster Session


Ana Martina Botti (FNAL)


In this work, we will present advancements in the design of Skipper-CCD sensors tailored for X-ray detection in environments with high optical background levels, such as those expected in space. These packages incorporate a custom-made aluminum shield placed on the CCD surface that successfully blocks over 99% of visible light while preserving the efficiency for keV X-rays. These features allow us to perform precise and reliable X-ray measurements in environments challenged by visible light interference. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the potential implementation of this design concept in frame-transfer CCDs, opening opportunities for broader applications and advancements in imaging technologies.

Keywords for your contribution subject matter (this will assist SOC in accurately characterizing your contribution)

X-ray detector, space, transfer frame, skipper-CCD

contribution subject matter CCD sensors

Primary author


Presentation materials