12–14 Mar 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Teledyne’s High Performance Visible and Infrared Focal Plane Arrays for Precision Astronomy

12 Mar 2024, 16:00
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


2575 Sand Hill Rd Bldg. 048 Menlo Park, CA 94025
Oral presentation (20 minute) Other Precision Astronomy Tools or Sensors Session 3 - sensor development programs


James Beletic (Teledyne Digital Imaging)


Teledyne produces high performance visible focal plane arrays (FPAs) at e2v Space Imaging (United Kingdom) and DALSA (Canada). Infrared FPAs are produced at Teledyne Imaging Sensors in Camarillo, California.

This presentation will review the different types of visible and infrared FPAs and discuss the backside illuminated CMOS and CCD visible FPAs and hybrid CMOS IR FPAs offered by Teledyne. A comparison will be made between the artifacts of the different types of FPAs with focus on the attributes of a CTIA (capacitive transimpedance amplifier) pixel that overcomes some of the negative issues that arise in the source follower pixel.

Keywords for your contribution subject matter (this will assist SOC in accurately characterizing your contribution)

Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs), CMOS, Hybrid CMOS, HgCdTe detector, Source Follower, CTIA

contribution subject matter CMOS sensors

Primary author

James Beletic (Teledyne Digital Imaging)

Presentation materials