New concepts for compact and low cost detectors in existing or proposed accelerator beamlines have emerged as an essential component of the energy and intensity frontiers. Many experiments show excellent potential for measurement and discovery, but some are only made possible through knowledge and technology transfers from larger scale experiments. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is an example of this synergy since it deploys technologies gleaned from the CMS, Mu2e and HPS experiments. LDMX is a proposed missing-momentum search at SLAC’s electron beamline that has definitive discovery potential for all the MeV-GeV thermal dark matter milestones. In this remark, I will highlight recent results from data analysis from a recent sub-detector prototype test beam. I will draw on my work on both the CMS HGCAL readout and the LDMX calorimeter readout to emphasize how detector technology transfer supports these experiments.