15–19 May 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Beam Breakup Studies for the C3 Linear Collider

17 May 2023, 11:10
53/4-4002 - Toluca (SLAC)

53/4-4002 - Toluca


Early Career (Eligible for Oral or Poster) Beam Dynamics Accelerator: Beam Dynamics


Fabio Bosco (University of California, Los Angeles)


High luminosity electron-positron linear colliders constitute a fundamental instrument in the field of elementary particle physics. The ``Cool copper collider", or C3, is a proposal for a 250 COM GeV Higgs factory, with possible extension to the TeV-scale, and it represents a promising candidate for the near future high energy physics. The C3 infrastructure is conceived as a modular facility utilizing cryogenic, distributed coupling standing wave accelerating sections. Although the acceleration process is optimized by the high shunt impedance, such structures are also accompanied by stronger wakefield effects due to the smaller irises. The transport of intense beams is thus endangered by beam break-up effects responsible for emittance dilution and unstable motion. Here we utilize the tracking code MILES to study both long and short-range beam breakup effects in distributed coupling structures as well as their mitigation. In addition, we initiate the investigation of configurations alternative to the standard standing wave π-mode phase advance which offer advantages in both the RF power distribution and efficiency.

Primary author

Fabio Bosco (University of California, Los Angeles)


Martina Carillo (Sapienza University of Rome) Daniele Francescone (Sapienza University of Romw) Lucia Giuliano (Sapienza University of Rome) Andrea Mostacci (Sapienza University of Rome) Luigi Palumbo (Sapienza University of Rome) Gilles Jacopo Silvi (Sapienza University of Roma) Mauro Migliorati (Sapienza University of Rome) Bruno Spataro (Frascati National Laboratories) Luigi Faillace (Frascati National Laboratories) Mostafa Behtouei (Frascati National Laboratories) Anna Giribono (Frascati National Laboratories) Obed Camacho (UCLA) Atsushi Fukasawa (UCLA) James Rosenzweig (UCLA) Nathan Majernik (SLAC) Zenghai Li (SLAC) Sami Tantawi (SLAC) Luca Ficcadenti (INFN-Sez Roma1) Gerard Lawler (UCLA)

Presentation materials