Jan 13 – 14, 2025
US/Eastern timezone


This workshop will explore Cold Copper accelerator technology R+D and broad-ranging applications including colliders, synchrotron radiation, medicine,  industry, and more.

Community interest in the cool copper acceleration technology, driven in large part by applications for future colliders, is growing into a range of other applications. The purpose of this workshop is to explore cross-cutting R+D and spur collaboration and coordination across existing and future experimental efforts. This workshop will identify areas of highest priority R&D and gaps in available technology, including RF sources,  that can be used to advance the cold copper accelerator technology. Partnerships and areas of interest will be identified from the participants.

Remote participants may join via zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91268314855?pwd=rmhpebyd4cDo1frilzlaF9gFQQ6tAy.1 

 Registration fee will be $50. This will include coffee breaks. Information for payment is available here https://events.duke.edu/C3-workshop 

The previous installment of this workshop series was at Cornell in 2023 https://indico.classe.cornell.edu/event/2283/.


Application for this event is currently open.