50th SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2022)

ZOOM only (SLAC)

ZOOM only


Thomas Rizzo (SLAC), Mark Convery (SLAC), Lisa Kaufman (SLAC), Greg Madejski, Richard Partridge (SLAC), Dong Su (SLAC), Charles Young (SLAC)

The SLAC Summer Institute (SSI) is an annual two-week-long Summer School tradition since 1973. The theme of the 50th SLAC Summer Institute for this Golden Anniversary year's installment is “Golden Opportunities: Puzzles & Surprises - Past & Future”. These SSI lectures will discuss how our attempts to solve and understand the various puzzles and surprises presented to us by nature, whether we have been successful or not, have pushed – and continue to push - our field forward. This SSI intends to inspire reinvigorated effort for new revelations on these fundamental puzzles. There will be still be special 50th anniversary sessions at the end of SSI to look back at the history of SSI. SSI is especially targeted for graduate students and postdocs while senior researchers are also welcome.

Due to the increased COVID community spread level for the local area, we are forced to switch to a ZOOM only program for this year. There will be 3 lectures each morning and each followed by an Q&A time.

SSI 2022 registration