Single-pulse multi-frame x-ray imaging with a crystal-based x-ray split-and-delay line

Mar 16, 2023, 10:55 AM
Bldg 53 / Room 1320 - Panofsky Auditorium (SLAC)

Bldg 53 / Room 1320 - Panofsky Auditorium


2575 Sand Hill Rd Menlo Park, CA USA
Invited Imaging Imaging


Catherine Burcklen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


We developed an x-ray optics solution, called x-ray tomographic-delay-line (XTEL), for studying pico- to nanosecond dynamics of mesoscale materials processes at existing x-ray light sources. This optic lays the groundwork for taking snapshot movies of materials processes with selectable delay times, as well as single-pulse 3D images of materials by recording multiple views simultaneously from different angles. The XTEL has been designed to match the time resolution required to probe materials processes in the pico-second to nano-second range, which is not accessible at existing or soon emerging x-ray light source facilities. It will operate between 5 to 20 keV initially to match LCLS, LCLS-II, the European XFEL, and DCS. In future experiments, the XTEL will enable single-pulse tomographic imaging as well as multi-frame movies created from a single x-ray pulse that enables the user to capture dynamic processes.

We will describe the instrument design choices and initial results from LCLS Run 20 beamtime for a single probe beam. The conceptual design for multiple-probe beams, to be used with the upgraded LCLS MEC facility, will be described.

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Document release number LLNL-ABS-833457

Primary authors

Catherine Burcklen (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Cara Vennari (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Christopher Mcguire (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Tom Pardini (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Stefan Hau-Riege (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Bernard Kozioziemski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

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