Physics and Detectors Plenary
- Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))
Physics and Detectors Plenary
- Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
A muon collider presents an exciting and affordable medium-term possibility for a TeV-scale collider to explore the energy frontier, enabling a physics program would be extremely complementary to precision e+/e- Higgs factories. While detectors at a muon collider would face unique challenges due to the extreme backgrounds arising from beam decays in-flight, there are many complementary...
ECFA Detector R&D: Roadmap + International Context
ECFA Higgs Factory Study
ILC-Japan Detector R&D Collaboration Task Force
ALICE is developing a novel vertex detector, "ITS3", to upgrade its experiential apparatus in LHC Long Shutdown 3 (LS3), in 2026-2028. The three inner-most tracking layers will be replaced by ultra-thin (<50 μm), wafer-scale (up to ~10 ⨉ 26 cm² in size on 300 mm wafers) Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) that are fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process. At these thicknesses the sensors become...
ECFA kicked off a series of workshops in 2021 on [Higgs/EW/top factories][1] to bring together the efforts of various e+e- projects. Working groups on Physics (WG1), Physics Analysis Tools (WG2) and more recently on Detectors (WG3) were created. The activities of the Physics Analysis Tool group will be summarized with an emphasis on KEYHEP which was chosen as the software framework.