KEK is starting the 5-year plan related to SRF for ILC. The main goal is the production and evaluation of prototype cryomodule including cavities with high-Q/high-G, input power couplers, frequency tuners, magnetic shields, superconducting quadrupole magnet and cold BPM, etc. Since the ILC is a global project, this five-year plan also has to be carried out under global collaboration. KEK expects that some cavities to be installed in the cryomodule will come from overseas. In such cases, the problem to be solved is high-pressure gas safety (HPGS) regulation of Japan. And, KEK also would like to proceed with the design, production and testing of other ancillaries through global collaboration. After signing MOUs with each institute, a number of task forces related to the SRF will be created and this five-year plan will be proceeded. In this presentation, I will explain the 5-year plan and the expected task forces in detailed.