We introduce two scalar leptoquarks, the SU$(2)_L$ isosinglet denoted $\phi\sim(\mathbf{3}, \mathbf{1}, -1/3)$ and the isotriplet $\varphi\sim(\mathbf{3}, \mathbf{3}, -1/3)$, to explain observed deviations from the standard model in semi-leptonic $B$-meson decays. We explore the regions of parameter space in which this model accommodates the persistent tensions in the decay observables...
The decays of $b$-baryons provide an interesting opportunity to test SU(3) flavor symmetries in the Standard Model. We study possible charmless decays of such anti-triplet $b$-baryons into an octet or decuplet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson using SU(3) flavor symmetry. The analysis holds for arbitrarily broken SU(3). By making some physical assumptions about the underlying transitions, we...
In flavor physics, an elementary particle refers to a subatomic particle with no sub structure, thus not composed of other particles. This definition sounds a little bit self-contradictory. How can the particle be an elementary particle if it cannot be measured by itself. Buddhist teacher S.N. Goenka describes Buddhadharma as a pure science of mind and matter. In one of the Buddhist books,...
Liquid argon time-projection chambers (LArTPCs) are excellent neutrino detectors. Often neutrino energies are inferred by summing up the deposited energy in the detector. A LArTPC, on the other hand, has an extra handle - crisp tracks. Kinematic constraints, paired with traditional calorimetry, improve the energy reconstruction and allow for novel searches. This poster focuses on neutrino...
Non-gaussianity in the primordial fluctuations is a promising sign of new physics beyond minimal inflationary models and is a probe into physics at energies as high as inflationary Hubble scale. Massive particles, through their coupling with inflaton field, can leave characteristic signatures in primordial non-gaussianities containing information about their mass and spin. The signal generally...