12–14 Mar 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Direct Signal Injection Crosstalk in LSST Camera Readout Electronics

12 Mar 2024, 14:30
1h 30m
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


2575 Sand Hill Rd Bldg. 048 Menlo Park, CA 94025
Poster presentation (90 second oral summary, 90 minute poster session & free presentation times over 3x 40m coffee breaks) Sensor and Systematics Characterization Poster Session


Daniel Polin (University of California, Davis)


The Rubin Observatory LSST Camera exhibits novel crosstalk between charge-coupled device (CCD) amplifier segments that does not scale linearly with intensity. An open question regarding the characterization of this crosstalk is the fraction sourced in the camera readout electronics as compared with cabling and on-chip effects. Using a custom-made electronics board that simulates the load of a CCD, we can bypass the CCD and inject proxy video signals directly into a Rubin LSST Camera readout electronics board (REB5). In this way, we are able to isolate the sources and shape of crosstalk and its nonlinearity. We will discuss what our tests reveal about the source and mechanism of nonlinear crosstalk the LSST Camera.

Keywords for your contribution subject matter (this will assist SOC in accurately characterizing your contribution)

LSST, Rubin Observatory, CCD, Crosstalk

contribution subject matter CCD sensors

Primary authors

Adam Snyder (SLAC) Daniel Polin (University of California, Davis) Prof. Tony Tyson (University of California, Davis)

Presentation materials