15–19 May 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Status of and plans for CLD detector (re-)optimization studies

17 May 2023, 10:30
53/3-3004 - Havasu (SLAC)

53/3-3004 - Havasu


Oral Track 3: Detector R&D Physics and Detectors: Track 3


Leonhard Reichenbach (CERN / University of Bonn)


Reaching the physics goals of future e+e colliders requires excellent detectors and software tools optimized towards the highest precisions.
The CLD detector model establishes a conservative baseline for an experiment for the proposed FCC-ee collider.
However, the quickly evolving silicon-detector landscape will allow building a detector with parameters beyond the currently established state of the art.
We present here, the status of and the plans for (re-)optimization studies of the CLD detector model.
This includes a re-evaluation of the silicon tracking detector design, regarding the material budget and single-point resolution, and updates of the track reconstruction algorithm, in particular for electron reconstruction.

Primary author

Leonhard Reichenbach (CERN / University of Bonn)

Presentation materials