15–19 May 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

"Here be SUSY" - Prospects for SUSY searches at future colliders

Not scheduled
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


Oral Track 1: Physics at e+e- colliders Physics and Detectors: Track 1


Mikael Berggren (DESY)


Some say SUSY is dead, because LHC has not discovered it yet. But is this
really true? It turns out that the story is more subtle. SUSY can be 'just
around the corner', even if no signs of it has been found and a closer
look is needed to quantify the impact of LHC limits and their implications
for future colliders. In this contribution, a study of prospects for SUSY
based on scanning the relevant parameter space of (weak-scale) SUSY
parameters, is presented.

I concentrate on the properties most relevant to evaluate the experimental
prospects: mass differences, lifetimes and decay-modes. The observations are
then confronted with estimated experimental capabilities, including -
importantly - the detail of simulation these estimates are based upon.

I have mainly considered what can be expected from LHC and HL-LHC, where it
turns that large swaths of SUSY parameter space will be quite hard to access.
For e+e- colliders, on the other hand, the situation is simple:
at such colliders, SUSY will be either discovered or excluded almost to
the kinematic limit.

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