16–18 Dec 2024
America/Los_Angeles timezone

The BEST Searches for Vector Like Quarks at CMS

Not scheduled
51/1-102 - Kavli Auditorium (SLAC)

51/1-102 - Kavli Auditorium


Lighting talks Lightning Round Talks


Samantha Abbott (University of California, Davis)


The Boosted Event Shape Tagger is a multi-class jet tagger optimized for the diverse final states inherent to all-hadronic decays of Vector-Like Quarks. Its architecture is a simple DNN whose discriminating power benefits from physics-driven observables calculated in the lab frame, but also in a series of Lorentz-boosted frames aiming to provide the network with over/rest/under-boosted frame information. The tagger is applied to a search for pair-produced Vector-Like Quarks, each which decay to a third-generation quark and a massive boson, for T- and B-like interpretations in the all hadronic channel.

Primary author

Samantha Abbott (University of California, Davis)

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