7–10 Nov 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Readout IC R&D for future Phase III High Luminosity Upgrade of the LHC

7 Nov 2023, 15:00
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


Oral RDC4: Readout and ASICs RDC4


Benjamin Parpillon


We introduce an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) readout integrated circuit (ROIC) prototype designed using the CMOS 28 nm bulk process. This chip serves as a smart pixel concept test chip for the Phase III high luminosity upgrade of the large Hadron collider.
Our design demonstrates a synchronous 40MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at the frontend, enabling data conversion within a single bunch crossing.
The prototype contains a 32x16 pixel matrix. Each pixel measuring 25×25 µm² and fully integrated with a charge-sensitive preamplifier with leakage current compensation and three auto-zero comparators for a 2-bit flash-type ADC. The power consumption is approximately 4 µW per pixel for an equivalent noise charge of 90 electrons at the output of all the hit comparators across the ROIC allowing an in-time threshold of approximatively 450 electrons.

Early Career No

Primary author


Dr Amit Trivedi (UIC) Farah Fahim (Fermilab)

Presentation materials