7–10 Nov 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

LightPix: Scalable digital readout for cryogenic SiPM applications

10 Nov 2023, 09:00
53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A (SLAC)

53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A


Oral RDC1: Noble Element Detectors RDC1 + RDC4: Session #1


Stephen Greenberg (University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)


LightPix is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) geared towards highly scalable cryogenic SiPM readout. LightPix is manufactured in 180-nm Bulk CMOS, and provides 64 individual channels each with amplification, a self-triggering TDC with O(ns) precision, and digital readout. Each ASIC dissipates <200 μW per channel, and is scalable to >1000 channels per signal cable, allowing for large area coverage and high channel density in cryogenic environments. LightPix also features multi-channel hit-coincidence logic to deal with high dark count rates, enabling applications beyond cryogenic detectors. We present several directions of current and future R&D, including results of operation of LightPix-based cosmic ray telescope in liquid Argon, as well as progress towards deployment of LightPix for joint charge-light readout in a pixelated LArTPC. Prospects of LightPix for use in future large scale experiments are discussed.

Early Career Yes

Primary author

Stephen Greenberg (University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)


Brooke Russell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Dan Dwyer

Presentation materials