16–27 Aug 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Optimization of sensitivity for the Di-Higgs search in bb¯lνqq final state in the LHC data recorded by the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV

Not scheduled
ZOOM videoconf (SLAC)

ZOOM videoconf



Pratik Kafle (Reed College)


We present a study to optimize the search for the Di-Higgs decay produced from gluon-gluon fusion with bb¯qqlν as the final state in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using Monte Carlo simulated sample. A big challenge in observing this event is due to enormous background contamination, the dominant of which is due to the decay of tt¯ decay. We use ROOT and its built-in multivariate analysis toolkit (TMVA) to run a sensitivity estimate using the Boosted Decision Tree algorithm to discriminate signal from the tt¯ background. The performance of the algorithm to discriminate the background from the signal is based on the Signal significance, which is defined as S/S+B.

Primary author

Pratik Kafle (Reed College)

Presentation materials