17–19 Jun 2020
America/Chicago timezone

A Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE LArTPC

19 Jun 2020, 11:30


Rui An (Illinois Institute of Techonology)


MicroBooNE has accumulated data in a 1E21 POT neutrino beam over five years to test the excess of low energy electron neutrino-like events observed by MiniBooNE. To this end, we have explored the use of a new hybrid analysis chain that includes both conventional and machine learning reconstruction algorithms to identify events with the exclusive 1-proton-1-electron signal topology. The multiple-particle-identification (MPID) network we developed is an important application of convolutional neural networks that takes a reconstructed image as input, and provides simultaneous probabilities of having a proton, electron, gamma, muon or charged pion in the image. MPID shows a promising ability to separate the physical features that distinguish interactions, e.g., protons in $\nu_\mu$ events, and gamma showers from $\pi^0$’s in $\nu_e$CC interactions. In this talk, we present the highlights of MPID training and performance in both simulated and real datasets.

Primary author

Rui An (Illinois Institute of Techonology)

Presentation materials