1:00 PM
A Convolutional Neural Network for Shower Energy Reconstruction in MicroBooNE
Nicholas Kamp
1:15 PM
Machine Learning Applications for Reactor Antineutrino Detection at PROSPECT
Andrea Delgado
(Oak RIdge National Laboratory)
1:30 PM
Using Convolutional Neural Network for Pulse Shape Discrimination in Liquid Argon
Jacob Daughhetee
(University of Tennessee)
1:45 PM
Reconstructing 10 GeV-Scale Neutrino Events in IceCube using CNNs
Jessie Micallef
(Michigan State University)
2:00 PM
Reconstructing Michel Electrons in ICARUS with Deep Neural Networks
Laura Domine
(Stanford University)
2:15 PM
Particle Clustering in LArTPCs with Embedding Learning Convolutional Neural Networks
Dae Koh