RDC6: Session #1
- Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii)
- Prakhar Garg (Yale University)
RDC6: Session #2
- Prakhar Garg (Yale University)
- Sven Vahsen (University of Hawaii)
Presentation materials
(on behalf of EIC-eRD108 MPGD consortium)
Excellent tracking over large kinematic acceptance is one of the most important requirement for EIC Physics program. The proposed MPGD trackers in EIC will cover both central and forward rapidity regions to provide additional space point to complement Si hits needed for pattern recognition along with nominal timing resolution for background rejection....
The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC was fully assembled and started its first commissioning run in the summer of 2023. This experiment will further investigate the microscopic nature of sQGP through precision measurements of jet, upsilon, and open heavy flavor probes over a broad pT range. The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is one of the main tracking detectors in the sPHENIX detector. It is...
sPHENIX is a new detector experiment currently under commissioning at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) uses stacks of 4 Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) as a gain stage in its 72 modules. Under certain conditions the high voltage across a GEM can cause an uncontrolled discharge. To study and mitigate the effects of...
University of Iowa, ANL, together through CALICE collaboration developed the Digital Calorimeter. The detector uses RPCs as active media and is read out with 1 x 1 cm 2 pads and digital (1-bit) resolution. Our group has the necessary expertise to develop alternative RPC gases, a gas recycling facility and HV system up to 8 kV. We will also develop low resistivity glass with the optimum...
In this presentation, we will present a TimePix readout-based Time Projection Chamber as one of the options for the Particle Identification (PID) and to aid the tracking capabilities. TimePix based readout opens an interesting possibility to perform PID via cluster counting with high separation power for pion, kaon, and proton identification. The added benefit of using this device is the...
Rare isotope (RI) beams facilities are now critical tools for nuclear physics. The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), located on the campus of Michigan State University, is a world-class facility for the study of RIs using the in-flight fragmentation method. The unprecedented potential discovery of a modern rare isotope beam facility, such as FRIB, can only be realized by implementing...
Directional detectors of low-energy nuclear and electronic recoils would enable unique dark matter searches and neutrino experiments. I will introduce the motivation and the CYGNUS proposal to build a large-scale detector of this type, and review R&D on gaseous detectors that achieve directionality by reconstructing the detailed topology of recoils in gas. If time allows, I will also comment...
In the next decade, intensity frontier experiments will require tracking systems that are robust against high event and background rates while maintaining excellent tracking performance. I will discuss the first conceptual design of a tracking system for a hypothetical future experiment--imagined as an upgrade of or successor to Belle II--built around a gas time projection chamber with...
DUNE aims to measure CP violation in the leptonic sector, observe supernova burst neutrinos, and detect rare processes such as proton decay. To achieve these goals, DUNE will use a highly capable suite of near detectors. The DUNE Near Detector complex for Phase II includes ND-GAr, a magnetized high-pressure gaseous-argon TPC (HPgTPC) surrounded by a calorimeter. Due to the low detection...
The research and development (R&D) efforts to detect neutrinoless beta decay have made significant progress in recent years. One of the R&D directions involves the use of high-pressure gas xenon detectors, like those employed by the NEXT experiment. In this approach, a fast optical camera is utilized to convert the tracking information into digital form. The NEXT-CRAB (Camera Readout and...
Advances in computer vision techniques over the past decade have enabled high performance, real-time analyses of 2D and 3D images, opening up the possibility of not only classification and regression tasks, but also more complicated tasks like object detection, key point detection, and semantic segmentation of image data. In this talk, we detail examples of machine learning techniques applied...
A number of experiments searching for dark matter have invoked the Migdal effect to improve their mass sensitivity to Weakly Interacting Massive particles by over an order of magnitude without this application of the effect having ever been experimentally validated. In light of this, the Migdal in Galactic Dark mAtter expLoration (MIGDAL) experiment aims to make the first direct and...
I will report on the formation of the new DRD1 detector R&D collaboration (focused on gaseous detectors) in Europe.