Nov 7 – 10, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

First Light from the MIGDAL experiment: Results from Commissioning Data Using Fast Neutrons

Nov 9, 2023, 3:00 PM
51/3-305 - Kavli 3rd Floor (SLAC)

51/3-305 - Kavli 3rd Floor


Oral RDC6: Gaseous Detectors RDC6


Elizabeth Tilly (University of New Mexico (on behalf of the MIGDAL collaboration))


A number of experiments searching for dark matter have invoked the Migdal effect to improve their mass sensitivity to Weakly Interacting Massive particles by over an order of magnitude without this application of the effect having ever been experimentally validated. In light of this, the Migdal in Galactic Dark mAtter expLoration (MIGDAL) experiment aims to make the first direct and unambiguous observation of the Migdal effect from fast neutron scattering.

This experiment uses an Optical Time Projection Chamber equipped with a stack of two glass-GEMs operating in 50-Torr CF4 gas, with light and charge readout provided by a CMOS camera, a photomultiplier tube, and a 120 Indium-Tin-Oxide strip anode. The signals from these enable precise three-dimensional reconstruction of ionization tracks that form the characteristic Migdal V-shape topology, namely a nuclear and electron recoil sharing an interaction vertex.

In this talk, I will present preliminary results from the experiment’s commissioning using the D-D generator at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory's Neutron Irradiation Laboratory for Electronics (NILE).

Early Career No

Primary author

Elizabeth Tilly (University of New Mexico (on behalf of the MIGDAL collaboration))

Presentation materials