7–10 Nov 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Testing of CRYO ASIC for the nEXO Experiment

10 Nov 2023, 09:15
53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A (SLAC)

53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A


Oral RDC1: Noble Element Detectors RDC1 + RDC4: Session #1


Zepeng Li (UCSD)


nEXO is a next-generation liquid xenon experiment to search for the neutrino-less double beta decay of 136Xe, with a lifetime sensitivity goal of greater than 1028 years. The experiment will use an array of charge tiles composed of crossed metal strips to record ionization electrons. An in-xenon cryogenic application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) named CRYO ASIC has been designed by SLAC for amplification, digitization and multiplexing of the charge signals. The CRYO ASIC mounted on an auxiliary board is characterized in a test stand comprised of a chamber filled with liuquid xenon to mimic the nEXO experiment. This work presents the results of CRYO ASIC tests in a liquid xenon environment.

Early Career Yes

Primary author

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