Nicola Bachetta
We will present a program to establish the first development and manufacturing of HEP-specific sensors monolithically integrated into a standard CMOS process using a US-based foundry. In collaboration with several US universities the project aims to develop Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) designs implemented in the 90 nm technology node, including simple test structures and multi-pixel arrays, and monolithic CMOS sensors with readout integrated circuits, perform detailed characterization of the detector prototypes and quantify their performance for HEP applications.
Early Career | No |
Primary authors
Artur Apresyan
Corrinne Mills
(University of Illinois, Chicago)
Farah Fahim
Karri Folan Di Petrillo
(University of Chicago)
Maral Alyari
Matthew Jones
(Purdue University)
Mia Liu
(Purdue University)
Nicola Bachetta
Petra Merkel
Ron Lipton