7–10 Nov 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Characteristic Sensitivity and Dark Count Rate of a Low Tc Ir-Pt Bilayer Infared TES

8 Nov 2023, 16:45
48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D (SLAC)

48/1-112C/D - Redwood C/D


Oral RDC7: Low-Background Detectors RDC7


Maggie Reed (University of California Berkeley)


In recent years, Transition Edge Sensors (TES) have been developed and used in a variety of experiments, such as low-energy Dark Matter (DM) searches, high sensitivity astroparticle measurements, and quantum information devices. For ultra-sensitive light DM direct detection and infrared photon sensing, TES with low superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) and low dark counts are required. TES superconducting film material can strongly impact calorimeter response, and Tungsten has traditionally been the film of choice for these appli- cations. However, reproducibility with Tungsten films has always been less than ideal. In this talk, we present the measured sensitivity and dynamical charac- teristics of a low Tc Iridium-Platinum (Ir-Pt) bilayer infrared TES. Our results indicate that Ir-Pt TES are promising new low energy DM search devices with sub-eV energy resolution and reliable, precise Tc control. This sub-eV device could also be used in future optical haloscope dark photon searches and other low threshold dark count experiments.

Early Career Yes

Primary author

Maggie Reed (University of California Berkeley)

Presentation materials