Nov 7 – 10, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

CrystaLiZe: Pushing Dark Matter Detection to the Limit with Solid Xenon

Nov 7, 2023, 2:10 PM
53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A (SLAC)

53/1-1350-A - Trinity-A


Oral RDC1: Noble Element Detectors RDC1


Scott Kravitz (University of Texas at Austin)


We present the crystalline xenon time projection chamber (TPC), a promising novel technology for next-generation dark matter searches. Initial tests have established that it maintains many of the benefits of the liquid xenon TPC while also effectively excluding radon, the dominant background in currently-running xenon dark matter experiments such as LZ. This offers the potential for greatly improved sensitivity to dark matter through a crystal xenon upgrade to an existing experiment. This talk will discuss instrumental performance, comparison with respect to liquid phase detectors, and plans for establishing its scalability.

Early Career Yes

Primary author

Scott Kravitz (University of Texas at Austin)

Presentation materials