22–25 Aug 2023
Tufts University
America/New_York timezone

Reconstructing Inelasticity in IceCube using Deep Neural Networks

22 Aug 2023, 10:00
Tufts University

Tufts University

4th Floor Tufts Collaborative Learning and Innovation Center (CLIC) 574 Boston Ave, Medford, MA 02155 Zoom link: https://tufts.zoom.us/j/94932630273?pwd=Z3VSK3A2Tmx2a21uaDdsVHRSenU1dz09 Meeting ID: 949 3263 0273 Passcode: 880336
Collaboration Talk Session 1


Philip Weigel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


The IceCube neutrino observatory is a gigaton-scale water Cherenkov detector located at the South Pole instrumented with 5160 optical modules in a cubic kilometer of ice. When a high energy neutrino undergoes deep inelastic scattering, the inelasticity of the interaction is the fraction of energy deposited in the hadronic shower to the incoming neutrino energy. For a muon neutrino event, where the interaction vertex is contained within the instrumented detector volume, it is possible to measure the energy of the shower as well as the energy of the outgoing muon--which sum to the energy of the incoming neutrino. We show that by using deep neural networks trained on PMT pulse information from IceCube's optical modules, we can reconstruct the components of the event's energy partitioned into the hadronic shower and outgoing muon and extract the inelasticity of the interaction.

Primary author

Philip Weigel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials