Aug 22 – 25, 2023
Tufts University
America/New_York timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Contributions from both individuals and groups including a large collaboration are welcome. Please choose the relevant contribution types. An individual talk will be have 20 minutes presentation followed with a 5 minutes discussion session. A group/collaboration talk will have 25 minutes presentation followed with 10 minutes discussion session.

If relevant, it is ideal for an individual talk to follow after the talk by the same collaboration/group (e.g. a collaborator giving individual talks after the experiment talk, for topics not covered in the experiment talk). We will coordinate to group the talks that belong to the same group/collaboration/category. Your assistance to coordinate with your collaboration/group is also highly appreciated.

Note: a SLAC Indico account is required for submitting abstracts. If you are not able to get your account in time for the registration deadline, please feel free to send your abstract via email to with the subject along the lines of "NPML abstract submission". Please also include your name, email, choice of "collaboration" or "individual" contribution.

The call for abstracts is closed.