EC members present: Stepan, Tim, John, Cameron, Norman, Rafo
Tom Eichlersmith's service work:
Tim presented some proposed plans for Tom's service work, based on input solicited from the offline group coordinators (analysis, recon, MC) and further discussion with analysis coordination. The proposal includes a required service task that is critical for our core analysis work on 2019 and 2021 and not motivated by the 2016 iDM analysis being proposed for Tom's dissertation. This pure service task is proposed to replace the usual requirement of contribution to construction or operation of the experiment, which is not compatible with Tom's timeline. In addition, Tom would be expected to make contributions according to the work plans of the Reconstruction and Monte Carlo groups in the performance of his analysis, similar to the more generic service work usually proposed for HPS members. These two types of contributions and the possibilities associated with them were presented by Tim (see slides) and after some discussion, a consensus developed around the proposed service work, as follows:
The required service task is twofold;
Areas where we anticipate that Tom will collaborate with others to contribute significantly to the work plans of the Reconstruction and Monte Carlo groups in performing his analysis include:
While HPS expects that Tom will make significant contributions in these areas (and possibly others, as well) there are no specific and required deliverables.
Finally, Tim pointed out there are a large number of tasks beyond those allocated to Tom, where an EC meeting in the near future will discuss the broader set of tasks and assignments that Tim, Matt and Cameron drafted, including the plans for Alic (well underway), Emrys, Rory and Sarah, and how those fit with the planned activities of Norman, Matt, Omar, Cameron, Tongtong, and PF.
After some discussion to refine the proposal to the above points, the EC voted unanimously in favor of this plan.
Plans for Fall 2022 collaboration meeting
The EC discussed the importance of having a collaboration meeting soon, to focus the collaboration on the critical analysis tasks in the coming months. John expressed the value of meeting as soon as possible, given how long it has been since we have met in person. With JLab and SLAC meetings the last two weeks of October and the first week of November, this suggests a meeting in the first week of October. (It has subsequently been pointed out that this makes attendance difficult for our European collaborators given current travel availability issues.) The other option would be to meet the week before Thanksgiving. A decision was deferred, but will be taken up via email in the next days.