Weekly EC Meeting

  • Monday, January 10
    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Publication of 2016 Analysis 20m

      Discussion of the status and remaining issues.

      Speakers: Cameron Bravo (SLAC), Mathew Graham (SLAC)
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
      Discussion of Weekly Meeting 20m

      I’d like to propose that we begin rotating among our four different activities for reports: calibration/reconstruction, Monte Carlo, analysis, detector systems. So, we would hear from each “group” roughly 1/month. I think this is necessary to give our work structure and keep things on pace since we no longer have upcoming operations regulating our the pace.

      The principles for these reports would be:
      - The coordinator solicits/collects requests from folks doing the work for a time slot (people doing the work present it, not the coordinators). So, it’s not a presentation by the coordinator unless the coordinator presents on coordination/planning itself.
      - The talks are to be presentations, not just plots without context: so in addition to the “meat” it must include descriptions of what specifically was done, what it means, and what is next. This doesn’t mean the talk needs to be any particular length: it can be 1-2 slides on a single plot, but it should not just be a plot without all of the important context!
      - There will be a report from each group on its given week, so folks doing the work clearly understand their responsibilities and timelines.

      Speaker: Timothy Nelson (SLAC)
    • 10:40 AM 11:00 AM
      Discussion of Collaboration Building 20m

      How we can facilitate getting more of our collaborators actively involved in analyzing our data. This includes a discussion of how to get more folks supported with funding. Put on your thinking caps and let’s spend a little time brainstorming on this.

      Speaker: Timothy Nelson (SLAC)