FPD Seminar

MicroBooNE's new results from the 2-body CCQE DL-based search for an excess electron neutrino

by Dr Ran Itay (SLAC)


MicroBooNE's new results from the 2-body CCQE DL-based search for an excess electron neutrino

By Ran Itay (SLAC)

by The MicroBooNE detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) located on axis in the  Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermi National Laboratory. One of the primary goals of the experiment is to investigate the excess over background expectations of electromagnetic-like events observed by MiniBooNE at low energy. In this talk, I will present the latest results from 4 analyses, with focus on the 2-body CCQE one, which utilizes deep learning and traditional techniques. 

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Organised by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)