FPD Seminar

Relic Neutrino Detection with PTOLEMY

by Prof. Auke-Pieter Colijn (Nikhef)


Relic Neutrino Detection with PTOLEMY

The Universe became transparent to neutrino’s approximately 1 second after the Big Bang. These neutrino’s are omnipresent with a density of around 300 cm-3. Frustratingly enough, they have never been observed since they have cooled down to a temperature of 1.9K, corresponding to an momentum of just several 100 µeV.   Within the PTOLEMY collaboration we are investigating techniques to observe these neutrino’s through their capture on tritium and its subsequent two-body beta decay. ​​​​​​

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Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)