Aug 16 – 27, 2021
America/Los_Angeles timezone

η Meson Properties in Chiral SU(3) Model

Not scheduled
ZOOM videoconf (SLAC)

ZOOM videoconf



Ms Shivanshi Tiwari (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar)


The topic is focused on the properties of η meson by following the approach
of the chiral SU(3) model. We are dealing with the Lagrangian density of chiral
SU(3) model that has exchange vector and scalar field terms and a hypothetical
glueball field χ, to incorporate the scale invariance property of QCD. This phenomenological model explains effective meson interactions in the chiral limit and also preserves the broken scale invariance of QCD. Using the chiral Lagrangian
density, we reviewed the work on ηN interaction in hot and dense asymmetric
nuclear matter. The major attraction of studying η meson is its negative mass
shift and optical potential. The total Lagrangian of the chiral SU(3) model is solved and the nonlinear coupled equations are deduced for vector and scalar fields. Furthermore, the equation of motion for the dispersion relation can be evaluated using the ηN Lagrangian density. This dispersion relation gives the required effective mass and the momentum-dependent optical potential of η meson. This attractive potential can be utilized further to study the possibility of η-nucleon bound states within the chiral effective model, using Numerov Method. Variation in the mass shift is plotted by changing the scattering length, involving different parameters.

Primary author

Ms Shivanshi Tiwari (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar)

Presentation materials