21–22 Jan 2020
America/Los_Angeles timezone


Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons

21 Jan 2020, 09:10
84/1-B188 - Ballam (SLAC)

84/1-B188 - Ballam


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Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons: Discussion of selections we can make standard for all analysis

  • There are no conveners in this block

Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons: Hit & Track Efficiency and Trident & WAB Cross-sections and Data/MC comparisons

  • There are no conveners in this block

Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons: Overview of BH Selection and Data/MC Comparison

  • There are no conveners in this block

Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons: Overview of Vertexing Selection and Data/MC Comparison

  • Matthew Solt (STANFORD U., PHYS. DEPT.)

Event Selection & Data/MC comparisons: Using MVA for Vertex Event Selection

  • Matthew Solt (STANFORD U., PHYS. DEPT.)

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